作者: cheetah
- Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren
- URSICULA (leidenuniv.nl)
- Ars Floreat (philosophy and religion texts in Dutch)
- Delpher (100 million pages of historic Dutch-language texts)
- LyrikLine
- Gutenberg Welsh Books Collection
- The literature of the Kymry (1876)
- The history of the literature of Wales (1884)
- The Renaissance and Welsh literature (1908)
- Wales in the seventeenth century (1918)
- Manual of Welsh literature (1909)
- An essay on the influence of Welsh tradition (1841)
- Les bardes bretons, poèmes du VIe siècle & traduction en français (1860)
- Peredur ab Efrawc (1887)
- Essai sur la composition du roman gallois de Peredur (1909)
- The Mabinogion (1838) : I & II – III
- The text of the Mabinogion (1887)
- Les Mabinogion et autres romans gallois tirés du Livre rouge de Hergest et du Livre blanc de Rhydderch (1913)
- Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch
- The history of Gruffydd ap Cynan (1910)
- The four ancient books of Wales (1868) : I (introduction & traduction) & II
- Gwaith Lewis Glyn Cothi (1837) : I & II
- Iolo manuscripts (1888)
- Clychau’r Nadolig, hen garolau Cymreig (1942)
- Canu haf (1944)
- Beibl.net
- Gutenberg Lithuanian Books Collection
- Litauische Dichtungen (1865)
- Littauische Volkslieder (1851)
- Catechismusa prasty szadei (1547)
- Biblija (1998)
- Gutenberg Irish Books Collection
- Irish prose (1902)
- Irish popular songs (1847)
- Cúirt an Mheán Oíche
- Leabhar breathnach annso sis
- Stair Ercuil ocus a bás
- The Topographical Poems (1862)
- Annals of the kingdom of Ireland (1856) : I & II – III – IV – V – VI – VII
- Leabhar Gabhála (1938) : I & III – IV – V
- The martyrology of Óengus the Culdee (1905)
- Lives of Saints (1890)
- The voyage of Bran (1895) : I & II
- Táin bó Cúailnge (1912)
- The Ancient Irish Epic Tale (1914)
- Lebor na hUidre (1929)
- The Religious Songs of Connacht (1906) : I & II
- Hail Brigit by Kuno Meyer (1912)
- Die altirische Heldensage, Táin bó Cúalnge (1905)
- Irische Texte (1880) : I & II-1 – II-2 – III – IV
- An Biobla Naomhtha
- An Tiomna Nuadh
- Gutenberg Estonian Books Collection
- Kalewi poeg, üks ennemuistene Eesti jut (1862)
- Kalewipoeg, eine estnische Sage (1857) : I-III & IV : 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
- Kalewipoeg oder die Abenteuer des Kalewiden: traduction en allemand (1873)
- Die Abenteuer des Kalewiden, esthnischnes Volksmärchen (1875)
- Valitud eesti rahvalaulud (1922)
- Eesti wanemad laulikudr (1890)
- Eesti laulik (1860)
- Die augsburgische Confession (1830)