- Goethe-Institut | Sprache. Kultur. Deutschland.
- DeutschAkademie
- Warwick German Studies Web
- Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm (begun in the early 1800’s, the most comprehensive German dictionary)
- Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache: Duden Online
- Dictionary / Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS)
- Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- Wörterbuchnetz (Universität Trier)
- Deutsches Wörterbuch
- Free dictionary (Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
- Wortschatz
- OpenThesaurus
- Synonym-Lexikothek der Wortbedeutungen
- English ⇔ German – leo.org
- Dicdata (德法英意词典)
- Pauker (多语种德语词典)
- German-English dictionary – translation – Langenscheidt
- Linguee | English-German dictionary
- Online-Aufgaben Deutsch als Fremdsprache
- Allgemeinbildung | Wissenstest | Lexikon | Wörterbücher | Suche | wissen.de
- Digitales Familiennamenwörterbuch Deutschlands
- Welt-atlas.de
- Deutsch-Übungen (A1 – A2 – B1 – B2)
- Ernst Klett Sprachen Einstufungstests
- Deutsche Grammatik lernen | Einfache Erklärungen + Übungen
- Wortschatz Deutsch als Fremdsprache | Sprakuko – Deutsch lernen
- Prüfungsvorbereitung für den digitalen TestDaF
- Deutsch perfekt
- spiegel-verlag.com
- Resources for German Students & Teachers
- Innsbrucker Zeitungsarchiv zur deutsch- und fremdsprachigen Literatur (over 1 million articles on 30,000 authors from 80 journals and newspapers. About a fifth are available on line; the rest can be obtained in person or by post)
- Aphorismen.de (42,000 quotations, aphorisms online)
- Deutsches Textarchiv (a large, searchable corpus of thousands of cross-disciplinary German-language texts from about 1600 to 1900)
- LibriVox: Acoustical Liberation of Books in the Public Domain (over 2,000 audio recordings of German-language books)
- Bildwörterbuch (an illustrated dictionary with over 20,000 terms and definitions, and 6,000 colour illustrations)
- Collins German Dictionary
- DWDS Wörterbuch (combining several dictionaries)
- German.net
- A Review of German Grammar
- Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek: Kultur und Wisson online
- Internet handbook of German grammar
- Grammaire de l’allemand
- Multigram
- Leo
- Grammis (Institut für deutsche Sprache)
- DeutschOnline
- Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache
- Fragen und Antworten
- Verein Deutsche Sprache
- 德语阅读_德语学习网
- Dialektwoerter Verzeichnis
- Eldrid’s Swiss German pages
- EdiMuster: Wörter Bärndütsch
- Wörterbuch Berndeutsch-Deutsch
- Vorarlbergerisch Deutsch Wörterbuch mit 1.610 Übersetzungen
- Dictionnaire autrichien-français
- Wienerisch
- Wienerisch Wörterbuch
- Wörter 1-100 | Dein Österreichisches Wörterbuch
- Österreichisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch
作者: cheetah
- Digar (Bibliothèque nationale d’Estonie)
- EEVA: Digital Text Repository for Older Estonian Literature
- Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum
- Kreutzwaldi sajand
- LyrikLine
- Littérature estonienne
- Luuleleid (Estonian Poetry)
- Vikitekstid
- Estonian Fairy Tales
- Free Estonian E-Book
- Estonia Corpora
- Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat
- Eesti etümoloogiasõnaraamat
- Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat
- Eesti piiblitõlke ajalooline konkordants
- Esimene eesti slängi sõnaraamat
- [IES] English-Estonian MT dictionary
- [EVS] Estonian-Russian dictionary
- [ETLV] Estonian-Latvian Dictionary
- [LVET] Latvian-Estonian Dictionary
- GDEF – suur eesti-prantsuse sõnaraamat
- Sõnaveeb (Dictionary of Estonian 2019)
- Eesti-Inglise-Eesti sõnaraamat / Estonian-English-Estonian Dictionary
- English-Estonian Dictionary – Inglise-Eesti sõnastik
- Eesti.life
- Err.ee
- Postimees.ee
- Õhtuleht.ee (the biggest daily newspapper in Estonia)
- Raadiod (Estonian Radio)
- Lasteraamat (Estonian Audiobooks of Childrens’ Stories)
- Sünonüümisõnastik
- The Estonian language
- Corpas: Historical Irish Corpus (1600-1926), Royal Irish Academy
- Foclóir.ie (one of the most popular Irish-English online dictionaries)
- Freelang
- Teanglann
- PotaFoal (dictionnaires gaélique irlandais-anglais)
- Intergaelic (dictionnaire gaélique écossais-irlandais & mannois-irlandais & traduction)
- Cadhan Aonair (ressources sur le gaélique, par Kevin Scannell)
- Téarma (dictionnaire gaélique irlandais-anglais)
- eDIL (dictionnaire gaélique irlandais-anglais)
- Gramadach lexicon (dictionnaire gaélique irlandais > anglais)
- Lexicelt (dictionnaire gaélique-gallois)
- Irish-Russian.net : ирландско-русский словарь
- IrishCultureAndCustoms
- Gramadach na Gaeilge (Irish grammar)
- Daltaí na Gaeilge
- Songs in Irish Gaelic and Irish Song Lyrics
- Let’s Learn Irish – the online Irish community
- Tuairisc (the principal Irish language online news site)
- RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta (RnaG)
- Irish Language and Alphabet
- Irish pronunciation dictionary
- Tearma.ie
- Old Irish Online
- Old Irish Spelling and Pronunciation
- In Dúil Bélrai (dictionnaire ancien irlandais-anglais)
- Early Irish glossaries database
- Irland und die Iren: Aktuelle Nachrichten, Informationen und Reiseberichte
- Irish Language Links
- Daat (includes medieval Jewish philosophy full texts)
- International Collection of Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts (at National Library of Israel)
- Mechon Mamre (classical Jewish texts and others)
- Project Ben-Yehuda (in Israel)
- Tshuvos.com (Tshovos seforim)
- AlHaTorah.org : Torah & littérature rabbinique
- HebrewBooks
- Yizkor Books (Holocaust memorial books; at NYPL)
- Lyrikline
- Akadem: Le campus numérique juif
- Haktuvim.co.il (translation of the Bible into Modern Hebrew, with the New Testament)
- Kirjasilta (Christian texts translated into Modern Hebrew)
- Hébreu biblique, vocabulaire de base
- Dictionnaire hébreu-français (1859)
- Dictionnaire hébreu-français (1827)
- Dictionnaire hébraïque (1712)
- Racines hébraïques (1732)
- Glossaire hébreu-français du XIIIe siècle (1905)
- Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament (1906)
- Hebrew-English pocket-dictionary to the Old Testament
- English-Hebrew lexicon (1877)
- English and Hebrew lexicon (1832)
- Hebrew vocabularies (1898)
- Dictionary of Hebrew philosophical terms (1941)
- Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament (1910)
- Dictionum hebraicarum (1615)
- Dictionary of the Targumim (1903)
- Shoroshim: English thesaurus of Hebrew verb roots (2014)
- Grammaire de l’hébreu biblique (1947)
- Grammaire hébraïque élémentaire(1908)
- Grammaire hébraïque abrégée à l’usage des commençants (1905)
- Grammaire hébraïque (1862)
- Grammaire hébraïque (1838)
- Grammaire hébraïque raisonnée et comparée (1828)
- Élémens de la grammaire hébraïque (1820)
- esenius’ Hebrew grammar (1910)
- Hebraïsche Grammatik (1909)
- Hebrew grammar (1913)
- Hebrew grammar for beginners (1908)
- Handbook to Old Testament Hebrew (1921)
- Hebrew grammar (1901)
- Manual of Hebrew grammar (1898)
- Practical introductory Hebrew grammar (1891)
- Grammar of the Hebrew language (1888) : I & II
- Practical Hebrew grammar (1868)
- Grammar of the Hebrew language (1835)
- A manual Hebrew grammar for the use of beginners (1834)
- Elements of Hebrew syntax (1908)
- Manual of Hebrew syntax (1897)
- Hebrew syntax (1896)
- Elements of Hebrew syntax by an inductive method (1895)
- Notes on Hebrew syntax (1892)
- Syntax of the Hebrew language (1891)
- Treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew (1892)
- • Short account of the Hebrew tenses (1901)
- Anglo-Hebrew modern dictionary (1926)
- English-Hebrew dictionary (1925)
- The renaissance of Modern Hebrew and Modern Standard Arabic (1981)
- Modern Hebrew (2005)
- Comprehensive etymological dictionary of the Hebrew language (1987)
- The analytic and synthetic etymology of the Hebrew language (2004)
- Lexique de 4000 racines hébraïques (2001)
- 以色列文学汉译图书
- Sefaria: A Living Library of Jewish Texts Online
- HebrewBooks.org (over 50,000 out of print Seforim and other classical Hebrew books)
- Gutenberg Hebrew Books Collection
- Bible en hébreu & grec (versions originales)
- Haktuvim (la Bible en hébreu moderne)
- 波兰语教材、语法、词典和读物
- Angielsko-polski słownik tematyczny (2016)
- Niemiecko-polski słownik tematyczny dla początkujących (2018)
- Czesko-polski słownik tematyczny (2017)
- Polish lexical minimimum
- English-Polish phrase guide (1993)
- Dictionnaire polonais-français (1908)
- Vocabulaire militaire français-polonais (1919)
- Dictionnaire français-polonais (1860)
- Dictionnaire polonais-allemand-français (1846)
- Dictionnaire français-polonais-allemand (1838)
- Słownik francusko-polski (1839)
- Dictionnaire français-polonais (1842)
- Burt’s Polish-English dictionary (1900)
- Dokładny słownik polsko-angielski (1851)
- Manual of Polish and English conversation (1912)
- Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego (1927)
- Słownik języka polskiego (1900-1927)
- Słownik języka polskiego (1854)
- Słownik synonimów polskich (1885)
- Grammar of contemporary Polish (2002)
- Polish grammar in a nutshell
- Concise Polish grammar (2001)
- Polish advanced course (2008)
- A manual of Polish and English conversation (1912)
- Practical handbook of the Polish language (1915)
- From morpheme to paradigm, on Polish noun inflexion (2006)
- A new head-driven phrase structure grammar approach to Polish auxiliary constructions (2005)
- Le genre personnel dans la déclinaison polonaise (1918)
- Grammaire de la langue polonaise (1861)
- Grammaire analytique et pratique de la langue polonaise (1856)
- Grammaire abrégée de la langue polonoise (1807)
- Elementary Polish grammar (1921)
- Practical handbook of the Polish language (1915)
- Simplified grammar of the Polish language (1884)
- Gramatyka języka polskiego (1907)
- Gramatyka historyczno-porównawcza języka polskiego (1879) : I & II
- Gramatyka języka polskiego (1863)
- Gramatyka jezyka polskiego (1860)
- Grammatica seu institutio polonicæ linguæ (1649)